I’m not yet convinced by Fr Coleridge’s arguments.

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Edward Healy Thompson says the same (cf. Chapters XXI, XXII, XXIII, XXVI)

But aside from anything else:

"Whereupon Joseph *her husband*, being a just man, and not willing publicly to expose her, was minded to put her away privately." Matthew 1.19

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Also worth noting, out of interest, that Agreda's Mystical City of God places the espousals (in Book II) well before the Annunication (which is in Book III)



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As does Emmerich. Further, the Fathers are divided but we find examples like this:

Jerome: Or this may be considered a testimony to Mary, that Joseph, confident in her purity, and wondering at what had happened, covered in silence that mystery which he could not explain.

Rabanus: He beheld her to be with child, whom he knew to be chaste; and because he had read, "There shall come a Rod out of the stem of Jesse, of which he knew that Mary was come [ed. note: Jerome in loc. Ambros. de Spir. S. ii. 5. and Pseudo-Augustine (t. vi. p. 570.) so apply these words, considering Christ the `Branch' or flower (flos) which is spoken of in the clause following. Cyril Alex. et Theod. in loc. explain it of Christ.], and had also read, "Behold, a virgin shall conceive," he did not doubt that this prophecy should be fulfilled in he did not doubt that this

prophecy should be fulfilled in her.

Origen: But if he had no suspicion of her, how could he be a just man, and yet seek to put her away, being immaculate? He sought to put her away, because he saw in her a great sacrament, to approach which he thought himself unworthy.

Ambrose, in Luc., ii, 1: But as no one puts away what he has not received; in that he was minded to put her away, he admits to have received her.

Fathers from the Catena Aurea.

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